Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

We had been with State Farm for over 20 years, thinking we had the right insurance at the right price. Lo and behold, SURECO Agency provided us with much better coverage at a much better price. Moral of the story; don’t ever assume you/re being treated well just because you’ve been with one company a long time. BIG MISTAKE! We are so happy we called SURECO Agency. Their service and attention was very professional and of great value to us. Thanks for helping us.

Russel Ali,
Brooklyn, NY

Moving to Sureco Agency was one of the best “money’ decisions I’ve made. I saved several hundred dollars on making the switch. I have my home and auto insurance through Sureco Agency. Mark is a childhood friend and it has been very comforting to have a friend I can ask insurance questions. I trust Mark to advise me as he would a family member. In the last year I’ve had to file a claim on my home for storm damage. Mark was extremely helpful throughout the entire process. I also had a minor fender bender… and who did I call first at 7:00am? The police? No, I called Mark. The customer service is outstanding! Sureco Agency is available for service at all hours through e-mail or phone.

Steve Anderson,
Lakewood, NJ

I have had all of my insurance policies through Sureco Agency for several years. Every year mark reviews my policies and will bring my attention any policies that would be better suited for my needs and save me money at the same time. Further, Mark is on top of every one of my phone calls and if I need anything, he will always point me in the right direction. I'm a customer for life! 

Alan Redman,
Point Pleasant, NJ
Sureco Agency has handled our insurance since we first went into business over 20 years ago. Through good time and bad, they have always represented our best interest. 

Nediva Schwarz,
Real Estate Investor

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921 East County Line Road, Suite B2 
Lakewood, NJ 08701 

Tel: 732.730.8700
Fax: 732.960.2302

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